Monday, June 13, 2011

June Newsletter Addition

June Program-Debbie Santinelli

Class Title: Basic organization tips for maximizing your quilting enjoyment
Brief Overview: Is your hobby taking over your home? Are you spending too much time and effort looking for things and not making effective use of that time for quilting? Do you find yourself buying something that you thought you had but couldn’t find it until after the fact? This brief class on organization might be just the pointers you need to help you make better use of your time doing that which you enjoy, “quilting”! Learn some quick tips on how to organize your fabric, your tools, your patterns, books and magazines so you can quickly find what you want when you need it.
Class Content:
1) How to catalog books, magazines and patterns
2) How to organize your fabrics and batting
3) List of supplies to help you organize
4) How to organize your tools and workstation(s)

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

June Newsletter

Letter from the president

Dear Stitchers,

Greetings to everyone and wishing you a happy summer. I love the warm weather and the flowers in the yard but I do have a more difficult time in finding time to sew and quilt. My strategy this season is to work on smaller projects, ones I can get done in fewer sewing sessions or that I can carry along with me. I might even break out the ongoing appliqué blocks that has become a project of many years.

One thing that may help my sewing to be more productive this season is to get better organized. Our guest presenter for our next meeting, June 20th, will be Debbie Santanelli. Debbie will share with us ideas and inspiration to organize our sewing spaces.

It’s that time of year again……time to renew our guild membership. The dues remain a great value at $25.00 for twelve months. Our dues cover the bulk of the yearly budget providing our meeting facilities, operating expenses for our committees, and our monthly programs. The dues have remained at $25 for several years. Your committee and program chairs have and will continue to work hard to keep within the budget parameters. Please bring your checkbooks or cash to renew your membership. If you will not be able to join us in June consider sending your check to our post office box #1552, Hiram, GA 30141.This will help our Membership Committee to move along with this annual project.

Last newsletter I mentioned one of our neighboring shops, Sew Bee It in Ringgold, GA, that was devastated from the tornado that hit their town. I am pleased to share that they have already begun to rebuild and have the outlines of a brick structure replacing the former metal building. The owner Gloria Black and her staff are resilient and pouring their efforts into reopening the shop.

Your response to volunteering for the committee openings for this next guild year has been outstanding. All areas are covered except one. The Publicity Chair has gone untended lately as the former chair had to withdraw from guild due to work responsibilities. This person develops simple flyers about the guild to take to our local quilt shops and contacts the local area newspapers to place notices in the community section of the paper about our meetings. If you have any questions about this position or are available to serve in this way please contact Jackie McDaniel or myself.

Those who are planning on attending our upcoming Red Rooster Retreat, Sept 22-25th, our deposits will be due at our August meeting on the 15th. The deposit will be $25.00 and the check should be made out to Red Rooster Retreat. If you will not be attending the August meeting please see that I have your check by the 15th of August.

I look forward to seeing you June 20th,



Minutes May 16, 2011

Submitted by Sandra Wilson

Susie Guyton, President, called the meeting to order and welcomed our members and four visitors. May birthdays were recognized. The April minutes were printed in the newsletter. A motion was made by Kathy Teall and seconded by Eve Williams to accept the minutes as written. If you did not get an email notice that the minutes were ready to be viewed, please give Theresa Bradley your email address. Kathy Selfe reported that our bank balance is currently $4,501.74. Please turn in your receipts before the next meeting so all expenses can be accounted for in this year’s budget.


Ways and Means — Bea: Our raffle for this month and next month is a Glow Happy quilt kit from Red Hen. Tickets are $1 each or 6 for $5. Our program guests tonight donated two goody bags which were raffled off after the break. (They were won by Renee LaFranca and Susie Guyton.)

Community Service – Pat: We will have an emphasis on our charity quilts at the June meeting. If you took a panel, please bring back the completed quilt in June, if possible.

Hospitality — Toni: Thanks for the goodies tonight. She will continue to bring coffee and ice next year as someone else takes over the Hospitality responsibilities.

Membership — Jackie: Tonight we had 38 members present out of 51 and four visitors. Next month is membership renewal. Renewal dues are $25. Dues for new members are $30 which includes a name tag.

Historian — Carole: Current scrapbook is on the membership table. Please take a look at it.

Sunshine — Eve requested prayer for a niece and a cousin with cancer. Betty Shepherd’s son has been diagnosed with leukemia.

Programs — Tonight Karen Williams from Quilt on the Main in Jasper will present a program on “Rulers and What to do with Them.” We revealed our quilts (blocks) from our stashbusting workshop at Quilts and Fixins and also our cathedral window pillows from our workshop at Kiwi Quilts. Debbie Santinelli will present a program on organization in June and we will also have a display of our charity quilts. In July we will have a picnic and 5th guild birthday celebration and the reveal of our bull’s eye quilts (blocks).

ANNOUNCEMENTS — Susie: The Georgia Quilt Council will host a Quilts of Valor Symposium August 12-14 in Mansfield, GA. Details can be found on their website. There is an article in the current issue of Family Circle magazine about the founder of ConKerr Cancer.

OLD BUSINESS — Jackie: Keep working on your crayola challenge quilts. We will display our completed quilts in October.

NEW BUSINESS — Patsy Estes: The Nominating Committee (Patsy, Linda Hubbell and Charlene Payne) presents the following slate of officers for the July 2011-June 2012 guild year: President – Jackie McDaniel; Vice President – Sarah Sorenson; Secretary – Theresa Bradley; and, Treasurer – Linda Hubbell. These officers were unanimously approved by the membership. A brief discussion was held regarding committee positions that still need to be filled. We need someone for Publicity and another person for Membership. Eve Williams will work on the Membership Committee.

Susie presented Kathy Teall, Sandra Wilson and Kathy Selfe, our current officers, with a beautiful wall quilt that she had designed especially for each one with her thanks for a job well done. (Thank you, Susie — Kathy, Sandra and Kathy.)

With no further business or announcements, we had Show and Tell and then adjourned the business portion of the meeting for our program from Karen Williams, owner of Quilt on the Main in Jasper, GA.