Tuesday, April 19, 2011

April Update

Minutes April 18, 2011

Submitted by Sandra Wilson

Susie Guyton, President, called the meeting to order and welcomed our members. No visitors were present. April birthdays were recognized. The March minutes were printed in the newsletter. A motion was made by Sherry Palmgren and seconded by Ann Smith to accept the minutes as written. Kathy Selfe reported that our bank balance is currently $4,580.80.


Ways and Means — Bea: Our raffle for this month and the next two months is a Glow Happy quilt kit from Red Hen. The completed quilt was shown. Tickets are $1 each or 6 for $5.
Community Service – Sherry: We received a thank you card from ConKerr Cancer for our continuing support. They have started providing pillowcases for the Child Protection Center. A pillowcase is on every pillow on the exam tables and the child gets to take the pillowcase home. Susie: When you bring items for community service, bring them to the membership committee’s attention when you check in prior to the meeting. That way the community service committee can distribute the thank you cards from Kiwi Quilts. Tracy at Kiwi offers a 10% discount after donating one comfort quilt or three pillowcases.
Membership — Jackie: Tonight we had 36 members out of 51 present.
Programs — Kathy: Teresa Kent will bring us a Virtual Quilt Tour tonight. In May Karen Williams from Quilt on the Main in Jasper will present a program on “Rulers and What to do with Them.” Also in May we will reveal our quilts (blocks) from our stashbusting workshop at Quilts and Fixins and also our cathedral window pillows from our workshop at Kiwi Quilts. Debbie Santinelli will present a program on organization in June and we will also have a display of our charity quilts. In July we will have a picnic and 5th guild birthday celebration and the reveal of our bull’s eye blocks.

OLD BUSINESS — Jackie: There has been a change to the “rules” for the Crayon Quilt Challenge. There is no maximum size for the quilt. It must be a minimum of 80” around but it can be as large as you like. We will display our completed quilts in October.

Patsy Estes: The Nominating Committee (Patsy, Linda Hubbell and Charlene Payne) presents the following slate of officers for the July 2011-June 2012 guild year: President – Jackie McDaniel; Vice President – Sarah Sorenson; Secretary – Theresa Bradley; and, Treasurer – Linda Hubbell. These will be voted on at the May meeting. Susie: Thank you, committee members, for your hard work. As our new fiscal/committee year begins in July, it is also time to re-form committees. If you are interested in working in a particular area, please let me know. I am compiling a list to hand over to our President-elect to give her a head start on next year’s committees.

With no further business or announcements, we had Show and Tell and then adjourned the business portion of the meeting for our program from Teresa Kent.